Environmental Defense Organizations


Environmental Defense Fund - http://www.edf.org

Environmental Working Group - http://www.ewg.org

Natural Resources Defense Council - http://www.nrdc.org

American Family Voices - http://www.americanfamilyvoices.org

Citizens for Global Solutions - http://www.globalsolutions.org

Conservation International - http://www.conservation.org

Defenders of Wildlife - http://www.defenders.org

Environmental Law & Policy Center - http://www.elpc.org

Friends of the Earth - http://www.foe.org

Global Warming Crusade - http://www.globalwarmingcrusade.com

International Action on Global Warming - http://www.astc.org/iglo

National Wildlife Federation - http://www.nwf.org

Sierra Club - http://www.sierraclub.org

Stop Global Warming - http://www.stopglobalwarming.org

The Conservation Alliance - http://www.conservationalliance.com

The Conservation Fund - http://www.conservationfund.org

The Nature Conservancy - http://www.nature.org
The law makers around the world need to also hear from us. Below are some of the sites with the contact details of the regulators and law makers you can call and write.

United States Secretary of Transportation - http://www.dot.gov

U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov

U.S. Senators - http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

United States Congressmen - http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.shtml

Road Safety Unit of European Union Transport Directorate - http://ec.europa.eu/transport/roadsafety/contact_en.htm


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